Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Olivia's Centenary

Lady Olivia would have celebrated her 100th birthday this April 13th. The Wild Hunt has a new article up describing some of the celebrations held worldwide in her honor.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Oracle of the Month - April

April 2017
Oracle: The Goddess Anahita
Book: "Psyche, Magical Journeys of the Goddess"
By: Olivia Robertson

Descend upon earth, Holy Ardvi Sura Anahita, from Thy Divine Region of the Stars! Thy motherly waters encompass the Universe. Help us to purify our earth, seas and atmosphere.

You call upon Me to help you change the destiny of your world. But your world is not the real earth. The true earth is perfect: what you experience around you is a fabric created by yourselves. However, Divine Intervention is required, because you are contaminating the very Sacred Elements which you use to form your world of illusion. You are poisoning Earth, Water and Air. You are misusing the Holy Element of Fire by burning to death millions of your fellow beings in your wars.

The purification of the Sacred Elements is a cosmic matter, and will be dealt with by the Deities. What you need to do is to save your own souls, in danger of being entrapped in the very nightmares that you have created. Already you have lost the ability to see the true earth. Only children and visionaries still enjoy its loveliness.

The first stage for you is to attain the Paradise of the Blessed. To enjoy this, you must choose goodness and reject evil. This requires discrimination. Hence you suffer. Yet it is through this choice, so cruelly presented to you, that you advance spiritually. So you gain the First Paradise. Here all is peaceful. Yet it is hard to progress in a realm where you only meet those who agree with you, and all not in attunement move elsewhere! Hence you need to incarnate many times in the earth world, until you learn to control its adverse conditions and so improve it. So you attain the Second Paradise.

The Second Paradise of the Magi brings creativity, crowned by the ability to form planets, schools for evolving souls. Yet the Magi know their own limitations. Hence they seek the Third Paradise. And so shall you!

This Third Paradise of the Illuminati resembles the First, as it is a realm of love. There is a difference. Whereas love in the astral sphere is between two lovers, or a company of friends, here Love is universal. Evil is transmuted into good, resolved into its own opposite. The Illuminati contain their own shadows: they comprehend the darkness from which light manifests.

Love and Truth are reconciled in Harmony.

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