Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Olivia's Centenary

Lady Olivia would have celebrated her 100th birthday this April 13th. The Wild Hunt has a new article up describing some of the celebrations held worldwide in her honor.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Oracle of the Month - April

April 2017
Oracle: The Goddess Anahita
Book: "Psyche, Magical Journeys of the Goddess"
By: Olivia Robertson

Descend upon earth, Holy Ardvi Sura Anahita, from Thy Divine Region of the Stars! Thy motherly waters encompass the Universe. Help us to purify our earth, seas and atmosphere.

You call upon Me to help you change the destiny of your world. But your world is not the real earth. The true earth is perfect: what you experience around you is a fabric created by yourselves. However, Divine Intervention is required, because you are contaminating the very Sacred Elements which you use to form your world of illusion. You are poisoning Earth, Water and Air. You are misusing the Holy Element of Fire by burning to death millions of your fellow beings in your wars.

The purification of the Sacred Elements is a cosmic matter, and will be dealt with by the Deities. What you need to do is to save your own souls, in danger of being entrapped in the very nightmares that you have created. Already you have lost the ability to see the true earth. Only children and visionaries still enjoy its loveliness.

The first stage for you is to attain the Paradise of the Blessed. To enjoy this, you must choose goodness and reject evil. This requires discrimination. Hence you suffer. Yet it is through this choice, so cruelly presented to you, that you advance spiritually. So you gain the First Paradise. Here all is peaceful. Yet it is hard to progress in a realm where you only meet those who agree with you, and all not in attunement move elsewhere! Hence you need to incarnate many times in the earth world, until you learn to control its adverse conditions and so improve it. So you attain the Second Paradise.

The Second Paradise of the Magi brings creativity, crowned by the ability to form planets, schools for evolving souls. Yet the Magi know their own limitations. Hence they seek the Third Paradise. And so shall you!

This Third Paradise of the Illuminati resembles the First, as it is a realm of love. There is a difference. Whereas love in the astral sphere is between two lovers, or a company of friends, here Love is universal. Evil is transmuted into good, resolved into its own opposite. The Illuminati contain their own shadows: they comprehend the darkness from which light manifests.

Love and Truth are reconciled in Harmony.

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Monday, March 20, 2017

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Oracle of the Month - March

March 2017
Oracle: The Goddess Isis
Book: "Dea, Rites and Mysteries of the Goddess"
By: Olivia Robertson

Isis of Ten Thousand Names, who protecteth the soul with thy feathery wings of the Kite; whose blood, enchantments and power strengthen the soul; inspire us with thy breath of the West Wind. Winged Goddess who concealeth thy brow with thy long hair, spread thy hair of enchantment and shake it over the brow of thy Devotees. Breathe into us thy Breath of life and health and strength.

It is through Inspiration that you live. Without Inspiration you are as dead, devoid of the Holy Breath. Do not deceive yourselves. You cannot live forever shut in the mummy-cases of your own fantasies, however colourful they are, however compelling. For without Inspiration the colours will dim, the power lessen. No amount of stimulation from your thought or from your senses, no act of will can then bring Life. You will slowly sink into unconsciousness and, as your dreams become nightmares, you yourselves will fall victims to your self-created images of fear.

Draw upon the Breath of Isis, which is wafted to you and all beings through the rhythmic beating of her wings. This Holy Breath may not be concealed, conserved, kept imprisoned in one place, within one person - even within one God or Goddess. It is for all. And as it is for all, it brings all. Open yourselves to the wind of Inspiration, and you lose nothing but the hardening case of a coffin of outworn theologies and cramping laws. Instead, you will gain the riches of Eternity and make better theologies, nobler laws. Allow Truth to cleanse your minds as a strong wind brings renewal. For Truth expresses herself as new understanding and she may not be bound or blindfolded. This courage to face the unveiled Truth means that you lose the sleep of nonentity. You breathe freely, you open your eyes fearlessly: you sit; you stand; then with the wings of Horus you fly with me. You use the many-coloured winding-sheet of dreams that once bound you as a robe that you wear at will.

Hear the Call of Isis and awaken!

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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Oracle of the Month - February

February 2017
Oracle: The Goddess Nemesis
Book: "Sphinx, Goddess Myths and Mysteries"
By: Olivia Robertson

I invoke the aid of the Goddess Nemesis, worshipped as Fate in Attica, foster-mother of Helen of Sparta, Mistress even of the Gods. How may we obey the Divine Decrees of reward and retribution when we lack wisdom? We fight over what is good and what is evil. Veiled Nemesis, have pity on our blindness!

Look within yourself and you will find the Divine Law of Goodness written in your soul. No one may escape Fate, whether he be god or human, animal or tree.

This earth is a careful game created by the Deities. Each creature learns through the experiences of joy and pain; love and hate; life and death. Evolving animals and plants discover where to grow, what to eat, how to survive. All nature follows the path of love which reproduces itself through desire. Strength is developed for defence against predators. It is not always the mighty that exist the longest! Powerful reptiles perished through immobility inflicted by heavy armour, while lively little mammals learnt to evade capture through swiftness. This skill at survival leads to wisdom, which is not restricted to philosophers! The migration of birds over the oceans is directed by necessity and the lesson is well learnt. No human state is as organised as an ant-hill.

Animals, plants and even rocks cooperate with the Deities Who are guardians and gardeners of this planet. Earth's creatures sense the invisible presence of spirits who guide their progress to more beautiful manifestation. Humanity in its early struggles had empathy with us, the Titans and the Olympians. But now overspecialisation in intellect and analysis has eroded psychic vision and telepathy. The only ethical resource left to the materialist is conscience, not always heeded.

The time has come when We Deities reveal ourselves not only to simple shepherds and young girls, but to thousands. We did not do this before because we did not wish to be worshipped. It is difficult to have an intelligent conversation with someone prostrated, head on the ground, their behind in the air! True, there is a hierarchy of evolving beings, but all from God to mouse are equal in essence: all born of the Divine Matrix. You ask for guidance as to the difference between good and evil. The practice is simple. When you ask in your mind - listen! Be still. The answer lies in the beauty, goodness and truth that is all around you, unnoticed.

Receive the blessings of the Olympians who love each one of you.

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Sunday, January 1, 2017

Oracle of the Month - January

January 2017
Oracle: The Goddess Morrigan
Book: "Urania, Ceremonial Magic of the Goddess"
By: Olivia Robertson

Triple Goddess Who are Maid and Queen and Enchantress: red-robed wife to the Dagda, fiery God of Mars: raven-tressed Prophetess with the river of life and death flowing about Thy feet: come to us with Thy Power.

Seek the prophetic gifts and all else will be added to you. For in My future lies both My present and My past; for the greater contains the lesser: and in my great age of aeons lies My youth and My Queenship. To hold the Sword of the Ruler is good, but it is wisdom that declares how the sword should be used. And it is the compassion of the Virgin that sheathes the sword. The hollow of the scabbard contains the sword, as the womb of the Mother contains the Kingly warrior. So if you would be great, look before you into your future, for there you shall be in your fullness and completion, ruler of many selves. And fore-knowledge even of Doom teaches the inevitable sequence of cause and effect, the result of good and evil actions: so that you will learn to pursue a virtuous and honourable course in life. Knowledge of my secret of sudden death brings understanding of your own immortality. My Right Foot stands firm upon the earth, as I stand over the dividing river of Life and Death; and my left Foot is rooted in the Land of the Sidhe and the world of spirits: yet am I ever the same.

If you see Me in my innocent youth washing your clothes from all stain and sorrow, do not be afraid, but cross by the stepping stones of My ford to the other world: know that those who accept Me may return again safely to earthly life. Return because you must, as I call you to arduous service in the world, where I am Queen. As such I am both wife and mother, and desire that the earth should be replenished with my children.

But when I appear to you as the Ancient One, your Initiation is nigh. Then you too will feel the inner Fire and shall prophecy. And people will flee from you as they flee from Me, for the children of men fear enchantment more than they fear pain and death. But for you, enchantment will draw forth your greater being which is immortal.

Remember: my messenger is the blue-black Raven.

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