Oracle: The Goddess Isis
Book: "Dea, Rites and Mysteries of the Goddess"
By: Olivia Robertson
Isis of Ten Thousand Names, who protecteth the soul with thy feathery wings of the Kite; whose blood, enchantments and power strengthen the soul; inspire us with thy breath of the West Wind. Winged Goddess who concealeth thy brow with thy long hair, spread thy hair of enchantment and shake it over the brow of thy Devotees. Breathe into us thy Breath of life and health and strength.
It is through Inspiration that you live. Without Inspiration you are as dead, devoid of the Holy Breath. Do not deceive yourselves. You cannot live forever shut in the mummy-cases of your own fantasies, however colourful they are, however compelling. For without Inspiration the colours will dim, the power lessen. No amount of stimulation from your thought or from your senses, no act of will can then bring Life. You will slowly sink into unconsciousness and, as your dreams become nightmares, you yourselves will fall victims to your self-created images of fear.
Draw upon the Breath of Isis, which is wafted to you and all beings through the rhythmic beating of her wings. This Holy Breath may not be concealed, conserved, kept imprisoned in one place, within one person - even within one God or Goddess. It is for all. And as it is for all, it brings all. Open yourselves to the wind of Inspiration, and you lose nothing but the hardening case of a coffin of outworn theologies and cramping laws. Instead, you will gain the riches of Eternity and make better theologies, nobler laws. Allow Truth to cleanse your minds as a strong wind brings renewal. For Truth expresses herself as new understanding and she may not be bound or blindfolded. This courage to face the unveiled Truth means that you lose the sleep of nonentity. You breathe freely, you open your eyes fearlessly: you sit; you stand; then with the wings of Horus you fly with me. You use the many-coloured winding-sheet of dreams that once bound you as a robe that you wear at will.
Hear the Call of Isis and awaken!
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