Oracle: The Goddess Nemesis
Book: "Sphinx, Goddess Myths and Mysteries"
By: Olivia Robertson
I invoke the aid of the Goddess Nemesis, worshipped as Fate in Attica, foster-mother of Helen of Sparta, Mistress even of the Gods. How may we obey the Divine Decrees of reward and retribution when we lack wisdom? We fight over what is good and what is evil. Veiled Nemesis, have pity on our blindness!
Look within yourself and you will find the Divine Law of Goodness written in your soul. No one may escape Fate, whether he be god or human, animal or tree.
This earth is a careful game created by the Deities. Each creature learns through the experiences of joy and pain; love and hate; life and death. Evolving animals and plants discover where to grow, what to eat, how to survive. All nature follows the path of love which reproduces itself through desire. Strength is developed for defence against predators. It is not always the mighty that exist the longest! Powerful reptiles perished through immobility inflicted by heavy armour, while lively little mammals learnt to evade capture through swiftness. This skill at survival leads to wisdom, which is not restricted to philosophers! The migration of birds over the oceans is directed by necessity and the lesson is well learnt. No human state is as organised as an ant-hill.
Animals, plants and even rocks cooperate with the Deities Who are guardians and gardeners of this planet. Earth's creatures sense the invisible presence of spirits who guide their progress to more beautiful manifestation. Humanity in its early struggles had empathy with us, the Titans and the Olympians. But now overspecialisation in intellect and analysis has eroded psychic vision and telepathy. The only ethical resource left to the materialist is conscience, not always heeded.
The time has come when We Deities reveal ourselves not only to simple shepherds and young girls, but to thousands. We did not do this before because we did not wish to be worshipped. It is difficult to have an intelligent conversation with someone prostrated, head on the ground, their behind in the air! True, there is a hierarchy of evolving beings, but all from God to mouse are equal in essence: all born of the Divine Matrix. You ask for guidance as to the difference between good and evil. The practice is simple. When you ask in your mind - listen! Be still. The answer lies in the beauty, goodness and truth that is all around you, unnoticed.
Receive the blessings of the Olympians who love each one of you.
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